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Do We Really Need Car Touch Screens

What started out as a way to view your car’s rear view camera soon started displaying everything from your radio, temperature controls and everything in between. They’re in almost every new car on the market, and their prominence is only going to increase in the coming years. But do we really need car touch screens?

The answer, it turns out, is a resounding yes… and no.

On the one hand, car touch screens make it easier than ever to control your car’s various systems. You can change the music, turn on the AC, and even adjust your seats without ever taking your hands off the wheel.

On the other hand, car touch screens can be dangerously distracting. Especially if you are not that familiar with where  all the controls are. It can take your eyes off the road for vital seconds that could mean the difference between life and death.

While touchscreen displays can be distracting, many car manufacturers are trying to design them in a way that minimizes driver distraction. Some features that are being implemented include:

- touch screens that can disappear into the dashboard

- voice controls

- heads-up displays that project images onto the windshield

- gesture controls

Ultimately, it is up to the driver to decide if a car touch screen is right for them. If you can use it without taking your eyes off the road, then it can be a valuable asset. But if you find yourself constantly fumbling with the controls, it might be best to stick with good old-fashioned buttons and knobs.

Do We Really Need Car Touch Screens

What started out as a way to view your car’s rear view camera soon started displaying everything from your radio, temperature controls and everything in between. They’re in almost every new car on the market, and their prominence is only going to increase in the coming years. But do we really need car touch screens?

The answer, it turns out, is a resounding yes… and no.

On the one hand, car touch screens make it easier than ever to control your car’s various systems. You can change the music, turn on the AC, and even adjust your seats without ever taking your hands off the wheel.

On the other hand, car touch screens can be dangerously distracting. Especially if you are not that familiar with where  all the controls are. It can take your eyes off the road for vital seconds that could mean the difference between life and death.

While touchscreen displays can be distracting, many car manufacturers are trying to design them in a way that minimizes driver distraction. Some features that are being implemented include:

- touch screens that can disappear into the dashboard

- voice controls

- heads-up displays that project images onto the windshield

- gesture controls

Ultimately, it is up to the driver to decide if a car touch screen is right for them. If you can use it without taking your eyes off the road, then it can be a valuable asset. But if you find yourself constantly fumbling with the controls, it might be best to stick with good old-fashioned buttons and knobs.

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